彼得和捕星人: Interview with 剧院 Chair Ben Dicke

而彼得和捕星人被推迟了, still check out this interview with 剧院 Department Chair Ben Dicke 大发彩票平台 the play 和 the ensemble's processes.

这个月晚些时候,你的部门要表演 彼得和捕星人. How did you, as 剧院 Department Chair, choose this particular show?

彼得和捕星人 是冒险故事和音乐游戏吗. When choosing our play material we always consider the specific makeup of our ensemble, 每年都略有变化的妆容, 和 try to find works that match the specific strengths of each of our students. If you look at the casting of each student, you'll see a wonderful marriage of actor to role.

是什么 彼得和捕星人 大发彩票平台? 

彼得和捕星人 is a delightful adaptation of David Barry 和 Ridley Pearson's YA novel of the same name. The story leads us on a wild adventure from two ships to one enchanted isl和 where a group of shipwrecked characters slowly transform into the characters we know 和 love from James Barry's play: Smee, 虎克船长, 的美人鱼, 和, 当然, 彼得·潘. 一路上的曲折, 合奏驱动的游戏建筑设备, 和 the ever-present musical underscoring make this show perfect for 彼得·潘 各年龄段的恋人.


The four primary characters are Boy, Molly, Black Stache, 和 Smee. You'll recognize one of those names from the timeless play 彼得·潘, 但其余的仍然是个谜. However, the archetypes inherent in their names provides a great clue into who they might become. Don't most great villains don an unmistakable nose-brow?

From auditions to rehearsals to show, how long will you spend preparing for this show? 

我们有四周的时间把所有的东西都整理好. I often wonder if audiences fully comprehend the ways in which we dramatically transform our spaces on the fourth floor 和 how quickly we do it for each show. An audience who has seen any of the theatre productions in the last four years will be amazed when they enter the space for this show. 如果他们想想他们最近看到的, 麦克白 or 彭赞斯海盗,他们会更加困惑. 但这都要归功于巴克·布鲁的辛勤工作, 我们的灯光设计师Jackie Fox, 我们的音乐总监帕特·拉斯克, Andy Robinson who always lends his extraordinary painting talents, 还有很多幕后的人. It takes a large team to mount a show of this scale 和 we have a great team.

Academy shows involve direction from many current industry professionals. Who are some of the professional instructors who are helping to put this show together? 

We were privileged last semester to have 我们的灯光设计师Jackie Fox work with our seniors on a deep dive into the show's needs from a design perspective. The class generated some great ideas 和 we will incorporate them into our final design 和 build for the show. Being able to bring professional theatre-makers in to work with our students is one of the greatest assets of The Academy's 剧院 Department.

How many hours per week do the actors devote to rehearsing for this show? 

We will put in roughly 60 hours of rehearsal time in the next four weeks. The hours allotted to us are the reason why we can produce what we do throughout the year while still providing conservatory-style training in our arts classes.

As we quickly approach opening night, what are you most excited 大发彩票平台? 

这个节目是大发彩票平台魔术的. Openings are always magical 和 this one will be no exception.

彼得和捕星人 该片将于3月20日在学院上映. 下面的机票!